aroma lamp造句
- From aroma lamps to waterfalls, some of the catchiest products on display at the world's largest trade fair for housewares aren't particularly useful.
- Pampering is the issue with HoMedics, a Commerce Township, Mich .-based company that was displaying indoor mini-fountains for $ 20 to $ 100, aroma lamps for $ 19.99 and bubble jet bath massagers-- a sort of everyman's Jacuzzi-- soon to go on the market for $ 100 to $ 179.
- Pampering is the issue with HoMedics, a Commerce Township, Mich .-based company that was displaying indoor mini-fountains for $ 20 to $ 100, aroma lamps for $ 19 . 99 and bubble jet bath massagers-- a sort of everyman's Jacuzzi-- soon to go on the market for $ 100 to $ 179.
- It's difficult to see aroma lamp in a sentence. 用aroma lamp造句挺难的
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